Mama Wolf

Who is Mama Wolf?

Hey! I’m Colleen Marie Olinski a TEDx Speaker, Author, Educator, and Mother. I have always been a fierce advocate for children and creating safe spaces for them. I am also extremely passionate about empowering women to be a safe space for themselves in a world where women are often in roles where they are constantly self-sacrificing for others and putting their own needs last. I have personally experienced how powerful it is to show up as a safe space for myself when I finally started connecting with myself, stopped suffering in silence, and started having my own back the way that I have always had everyone else’s.

I’ve also been nicknamed “Everyone’s favorite hype woman” and I am notorious for loving on my friends, letting them know how fabulous they are, and loudly celebrating all of their wins while being ready to support them in their losses. I’m on a mission to support women in finding and being safe spaces for each other.